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SCCS Facility Update

Recent exploratory work on a high school sanitary line raised concerns regarding the integrity of a cast iron pipe located just outside of the high school library.   Over the winter break, the line was flushed, scoped, and tested for leaks and recent follow-up work indicated the immediate need to replace approximately 60-70 feet of the pipe which lies underneath the hallway between the art rooms and the library. 
The district has obtained preliminary consent from State Education Department and the work will be scheduled to take place over the February break.  The scope of work will include removing the hallway floor, trenching, and replacement of the line.  All ancillary lines will also be inspected.  Follow-up work to replace the terrazzo floor will then take place over the April break or in the summer.  A temporary flooring solution will be in place until all of the work is complete. 
Our goal is to minimize disruptions to students so the work will take place over school vacations.  However, the district will need to close the two bathrooms located between the 5th and 6th grade classrooms.   We apologize for the inconvenience to students and plan to have both bathrooms operational when students return to school following the February break.  
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Patrick Jensen, Superintendent
2384 State Route 34B
Aurora, NY 13026