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Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom (An innovative instructional model)

What is the Flipped Classroom?

Flipped Classroom is a reversed teaching model that delivers instruction via interactive, teacher-created or researched-based videos. This instructional model adjusts how lecture material is taught to students and moves most homework and practice of concepts to the classroom. At SCCS we will be using a program called Safari-Montage to deliver Flipped Classroom to our students. By using video instruction via Safari-Montage, students will have the opportunity to access curriculum concepts during small group instruction as well as outside the classroom. Students will have more opportunity to ask questions and work through problems with the guidance of their teachers and the support of their peers - creating a collaborative group-centered learning environment.

What are some benefits of this method?
  • Gives teachers more time to spend 1:1 helping students
  • Creates more time for students to practice concepts for better skill development
  • Builds stronger student/teacher relationships
  • Offers a way for teachers to share information with other faculty, substitute teachers, students, parents, and the community
  • Produces the ability for students to “rewind” lessons and master topics
  • Creates a collaborative learning environment in the classroom

This year all teachers will be exposed to and trained in Flipped Classroom strategies. We will use the strategies of Flipped Classroom to increase the time our teachers spend with students on concept practice. As research suggests, the more time students spend on practice of a concept, the better opportunity of mastering the concept.  
For more on Flipped Classroom, please click the links below:
Data researched from:
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Patrick Jensen, Superintendent
2384 State Route 34B
Aurora, NY 13026