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SCCS Special Education Review
During the next year, the district will conduct a comprehensive review of our current service model for students with disabilities in order to build the best possible program within our resources.  The process will commence with a review of district policy and procedures and an assessment of the full-range of special education services provided to students of Southern Cayuga.  The process will be inclusive in nature and will seek input from the school community, along with advice from outside experts.  The idea of community is crucial to the reflective process where organizational and individual growth is achieved.  Upon completion, the findings of the review process and recommendations will be presented to the SCCS Board of Education.
2014-2015 Action Steps
Review and update BOE policies regarding special education
Create a district special education plan
Understand the full range of instructional programs provided to students with disabilities by conducting site visits to out-of-district placements
Conduct focused observations of service delivery on our main campus
Solicit and support external audit of special education services at SCCS
  • Document Review
  • Observation
  • Interviews
Solicit feedback from instructional team and community members to determine effective use of resources
Identify and review quantitative data
Superintendent will serve as a liaison to the CSE Chair Committee at CO BOCES
Review criteria for staff evaluation
Assess and identify professional development priorities for teachers and aides.

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Patrick Jensen, Superintendent
2384 State Route 34B
Aurora, NY 13026