School Tax Collection
School taxes are collected in the District Office for SCCS.
Options for tax payments:
- Check payments may be deposited any time in the slot located in the district office main entrance door
- An employee will accept payment, including cash, in the district office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon only, during the collection season; no credit card payments can be accepted at the district office
- Full credit card or electronic check payments may be made online at, additional processing fees will apply
- Payments may be mailed to SCCS, Attn Tax Collector, 2384 State Route 34B, Aurora NY 13026
- An employee in the district office will accept payments from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon on the final day of the first and second
installments, as well as the final day taxes can be accepted
Laurel Kachnycz
District Tax Collector
Tax Phoneline: (315) 364-7621