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December 2023

SCSF “Phonathon” is back in person for 2024!

Over the past 33 years, the Southern Cayuga Scholarship Foundation (“SCSF”) has made 353 scholarship awards, totaling $321,000 in financial support to district students and graduates.  Every dollar of SCSF scholarship has been raised by generous members of this community who believe in the value of continuing education for our district’s youth.

We are delighted to announce that Thursday, February 1st from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., the Foundation will hold its annual Phonathon fundraiser.  It will take place at the Southern Cayuga Jr./Sr. High School powered by volunteer student operators manning the phones calling district residents to enlist their financial support for the scholarship award program.  Typically, this event has raised over $12,000 in donations from generous community members enabling SCSF to make at least ten $ 1,200 annual scholarship awards to deserving district graduates.

In recent years, the SCSF Board has enhanced its social media presence hosting a website and Facebook page. Through our digital presence, the scholarship program has successfully grown its community awareness and fundraising by sharing stories of past scholarship awardees along with stories of donors who have made its mission possible and sustainable. We invite you to connect with us to learn more and engage with our content. ( ( 

The criteria for scholarship selection are rigorous and includes a combination of academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to community service and/or gainful employment.  The award program is unique: Along with graduating district high school seniors, we also encourage applications from alumni seeking further financial support while continuing their college studies.  SCSF also considers the selection of non-traditional students, such as adults returning to school or those seeking entry into specialized vocational and technical training programs.

The Central New York Community Foundation Inc. (“CNYCF”) is an important partner with SCSF.  The relationship provides us with non-profit support services and allows us to maintain our financial independence. CNYCF provides financial management benefits, donor communications, and a secure online donation portal.  Donations made to SCSF may be tax-deductible.  All locally raised funds are awarded as such.

If you would like to support SCSF this year, you may securely donate on-line at  If you have additional questions about SCSF, please contact Marian Brown at

The Southern Cayuga Scholarship Foundation (“SCSF”) was founded on the belief that all residents in our school district deserve the opportunity to continue their education and that costs should not limit the pursuit of academic dreams. 
The mission of SCSF is to expand access to continued education for residents of the Southern Cayuga Central School district.  Our primary goal is to solicit donations from our community allowing us to have the financial resources to support worthy district students who wish to pursue either vocational training or college education.
Our Awards Committee evaluates the applicants who will receive SCSF awards based upon a combination of academic achievement and demonstrated commitment to community service and/or gainful employment.  Our annual awards are not based upon financial need – we believe that all awardees can use a helping hand with their educational or vocational/technical expenses.

Application and Eligibility:
SCSF considers applications from Southern Cayuga seniors and alumni seeking financial support to continue their undergraduate college studies.  In addition, applications from non-traditional students, such as adult district graduates returning to school or entering specialized training programs, are also welcome to apply.  If a non-traditional student is applying, they must currently be a resident of the district, and have been a resident for at least 12 months.
The application will be available in December and can be accessed electronically by downloading it from the SCSF website: ( or it is available in the Southern Cayuga High School guidance office.  Award recipients are announced at the SCCS Senior High Awards night usually held in May.

Each year, SCSF mounts its single largest fundraiser, the Phonathon.  During the first week of February, we schedule an evening for high school students to call members of the community to solicit donations for the Foundation.  Donations to the SCSF are fully tax-deductible and can be made anytime by clicking the DONATE NOW link on the side of this page.  The amount of Phonathon funds raised determines how many scholarships awards may be made each Spring.
We are incredibly grateful to Southern Cayuga community members and businesses who so generously support the SCSF.

With gratitude,
SCSF Board Members:
Carin Townsend Kopp, President
Amanda Hauptfleisch, Vice President
Paula Schmitt, Secretary
Steve Zabriskie, Financial Liaison
Marian Brown, Laura Burns, Lisa Carnicelli, Adrianne Torea, and Laura Heslop
Should you have any questions regarding the application or donations, please contact
Facebook Link 

SCSF Website

Application: Available via Naviance 
Page Updated 12/8/23
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Patrick Jensen, Superintendent
2384 State Route 34B
Aurora, NY 13026
Phone: (315) 364-7211